Monday, April 12, 2010

Baden-Baden and Me

"...So nice you have to say it twice." to quote Bill Clinton during a visit here.

This week I am staying at my cousin Jessica's place, taking something of a vaca during my spring break here. If I plan on writing long blog entries as I am used to, I realize that I will have to save them on my USB stick and then load them up before coming to the internet cafe. I feel like a true cheap American thinking, "WHAT! I have to pay to use a computer! Nothing at the library? McDonald's is no good either? What on earth!"

And so on.

However, this may be a good thing for me to lessen my internet time. It makes me sleep more, read more, watch International CNN on Jessica' satellite TV (it is the only channel we're aware of that I'll understand), meditate more, and in the case of today, explore and appreciate Baden-Baden more!

Tonight I'm going to seriously sit down and figure out the week because I know myself that if I don't set out a "To-Do" list, I will contently wittle my days away soaking in mineral spas and drinking lattes and beer at cafes. Realizing that this image is not all quite that aweful, I nevertheless only have a week to get to know this place that I now consider the German's best secret ever.

To be continued later with better planning and more euros for internet money.

1 comment:

  1. Relaxing and having a great week just soaking in the Baden-Baden atmosphere and indulging in frequent trips to the mineral spas does not sound like a bad plan to me! Whatever you decide to do, it seems that you have a pleasant place in which to do it! Enjoy this respite from the demands of school.


Angers, France

Angers, France

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For this moment in time, I'll just share a quote from Nelson Mandela. I think it sums up what I'm experiencing right now. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."