Sunday, March 21, 2010

La Rafle

Okay, this is a second, quick post. I saw my first French movie here finally with Madame and Monsieur. It is a well received native film called La Rafle which explores the round up and expulsion of several thousand Parisian Jews. Beautiful and well directed, I think it would be worth it for the U.S. to receive it at least in the art film cinema's. Yes, it is "yet another Holocaust film" but I found the interpretation and purpose french and non-cliché.

The official site:

An English article about the film:

1 comment:

  1. I went to the various internet sites and watched the movie trailer and read the article about the movie. I'm curious if the Peaud's shared very much about what they knew of this event in French history or what they had to say about it. This seems to be a milestone in your language journey, to see a French film in France and without any English translation. How did you do? Did it help you appreciate your language growth to date? I hope you'll get to do this again.


Angers, France

Angers, France

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For this moment in time, I'll just share a quote from Nelson Mandela. I think it sums up what I'm experiencing right now. "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."